August 2023 Newsletter

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FPG Group

BBF’s First Event Held at Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
After months of planning and preparation, BBF was pleased to host its first event with UNC’s Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute. Read about the impactful research being conducted in early childhood and what BBF attendees had to say about the event.



Heather Fidler with Students

Spotlight Series: Q&A with Heather Fidler, Director of Partners in Learning

This month, we are spotlighting Heather Fidler, Director of Partners in Learning in Salisbury, NC. Not only is she a child care center director, she is the parent of an apprentice! Learn about her experience and how BBF support will help her business and family.


Interested in a being featured in a BBF Spotlight? 
Do you have photos or stories to share about your program that we can highlight in an upcoming newsletter or social media post? If so, contact us to be featured!

Teachers Attend Summer CTE Conference in Preparation for New School Year

CTE teachers, directors, and work-based learning coordinators had the opportunity to collaborate at the Summer CTE Conference in July. As we head into another school year, learn about the benefits of pre-apprenticeships in ECE and how BBF supports them.



Don’t Forget to Complete Your Surveys!

As a pilot initiative, collecting information is crucial to supporting BBF and the future of ECE apprenticeships. If you are registered with us, don’t forget to fill out the appropriate surveys!

  • Child Care Program Survey
  • Pre-Apprentice Survey
  • Apprentice Survey
  • Mentor Survey
  • Sponsor Survey